Cross River State, once a shining star in technology and innovation, had seen its brilliance dim over time. However, this fading glory became the canvas for a remarkable resurgence spearheaded by Nugi Technologies Nig Limited. Our mission is to restore Cross River State to its former technological eminence.

This transformative journey, marked by innovation, vision, and unwavering commitment, promises a significant stride for Nugi Technologies and the entire State. The partnership between Nugi Technologies and the Cross River State Government, which began on the 17th of July 2023 and consolidated on the 15th of December 2023, has already etched itself in the annals of technological revival. We emerged victoriously as the company and brand of choice for the State, securing the opportunity to test our strategic solutions to address the State's multifaceted challenges.

Cross River State had lost its technological edge, but we viewed this not as a setback but as an opportunity to reignite the innovative spirit that once set the State apart. The pilot stage of this endeavour has been both a litmus test for us and a beacon of hope for Cross River State.
In just five months, the impact has been astounding. Service delivery to citizens has remarkably improved, laying the foundation for a brighter future. Furthermore, the State's revenue has surged by an impressive 25%, a testament to the efficacy of our solutions.

As we embrace the new year, Nugi Technologies remains resolute in its mission. We are committed to completing the automation and power provision across key government departments, firmly establishing the groundwork for a more technologically driven Cross River State. Enumeration of students in secondary schools is well underway, with the ambitious project of house enumeration on the horizon. These initiatives will streamline tax collection and enhance service delivery to citizens.

Our expertise shines through at every juncture of this transformative journey. Our relentless commitment to delivering technology solutions that work for states and organizations alike is commendable. Our confidence is not merely infectious; it's a clarion call to all who read this account. It beckons us to join hands in this remarkable endeavour to revive innovation, empower Cross River State, and propel it back to the forefront of technological advancement. The future, as envisioned by Nugi Technologies, is indeed a bright one – a future where technology fuels progress and innovation reigns supreme.

Our commitment to technological innovation has earned Cross River State the prestigious 2023 NIRA Best Award in Digital Innovation. We're rapidly setting the gold standard for other states to follow and eagerly anticipate Cross River State's full embrace of the digital economy.

In the heart of Nigeria, Cross River State is experiencing a technological renaissance like never before. From empowering communities to supercharging revenue generation, the State is harnessing the power of innovation to transform lives. These milestones are not just technological achievements but pathways to empowerment and progress, setting Cross River State on a trajectory of positive change for tomorrow.

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