It is good news for the students of the Cross River University of Technology, as NUGI Technologies a leading software giant, has successfully developed and deployed an online voting platform to enable smooth, transparent, free and fair elections. In a school prone to violent student elections, arising from mistrust and poor management, this is truly a turning point.

The platform which is part of the school's web portal, is open to all students of the institution who have paid their complete school fees. Â The platform is accessible across the three campuses of the institution via tablet or PC. Students can now freely express their voices without fear of being a target or a victim of election-related violence or crime.

The election was conducted for the Student Union Government of the institution, with highly contested offices such as the President, Vice President and Director of Information leaving all others running unopposed.

This is the first institution where the company, has successfully deployed such a solution. Having done it here, the company looks to replicate it across other institutions where it is currently providing software solutions.

In the future, the institution will be able to conduct faculty and departmental elections too. In doing so, the institution will have recorded a huge milestone and successfully automated the student electoral process. The Cross River University of Technology will now be ranked amongst tertiary institutions in Nigeria, that conduct student elections online.

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