Happy 8th Anniversary, Nugi Technologies!

As we celebrate our 8th anniversary, the journey we have shared has been truly remarkable—a testament to our resilience, innovation, and the support of our incredible community.

Eight years ago, in 2016, Nugi Technologies Nigeria Limited was founded with a vision to intertwine business and technology. Armed with wisdom from diverse experiences, our path, though challenging, evolved into a testament of our resilience, innovation, and growth.

Our initial steps involved obtaining approvals from the Cross River State government to develop governance solutions and drive revenue generation. Yet, unforeseen challenges emerged, leading to a significant decline. We faced the daunting task of navigating from a team of 18 to just 5, losing over 80% of our workforce. In the face of adversity, our founder's sacrifices, such as selling personal possessions and securing short-term loans, became the anchors that kept our ship afloat.

This resilience carried us through until 2017, marking a turning point. Not only did we survive, but we thrived. Our client base expanded, and revenues doubled in 2018, followed by a remarkable tripling in 2019. The setback, once threatening our existence, became the driving force behind the progress we continued to achieve.

Today, as we celebrate our 8th anniversary, we reflect on the incredible journey. Eight years ago, we were a small team of 5 dreamers with aspirations to redefine possibilities in technology. Today, our footprint spans the globe, and our tech solutions have touched millions of lives, pushing the boundaries to shape the future.

To our loyal clients, partners, and the entire Nugi Tech family, we express our deepest gratitude. Your feedback, support, and trust have propelled us forward. Every challenge encountered has transformed into an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve.

Our team is our greatest asset. We take immense pride in the diverse group of brilliant minds at Nugi Technologies. Through investing in talent, fostering creativity, and creating an environment where ideas flourish, together, we have achieved milestones that once seemed impossible.

As we celebrate this significant milestone, our excitement for the future knows no bounds. The road ahead is filled with groundbreaking technologies, partnerships, and opportunities. With your continued support, we are confident that the best is yet to come.

Here's to many more years of pushing boundaries, creating impact, and shaping the future of technology! Happy 8th Anniversary, Nugi Technologies!

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