It has been a rollercoaster of emotions and expressions for us at Nugi Technologies. Over the years, our story has inspired many, as it has been a bittersweet journey for us. Today, with utmost humility & gratitude, we are glad to announce the opening of our new Development center in Calabar, Nigeria.

In a bid to provide all our clients with the very best custom software solutions, the company is restructuring her development center, improving tools and creating a pipeline for talent in Calabar. The new dev center becomes Nugi Technologies HQ for research, innovations, and development to guide the company's global vision to build quality customer-centric products and services for driving digital innovation across Nigeria and Africa.

In 2019, the company made a major move to setup a dev center in Lagos, moving all her development team to Lekki Lagos. The move was good for the company at the time, but with the global pandemic hitting hard on the Nigerian economy, the company strategically decided to return only the development and innovations center back to Calabar.

Nugitech's CEO with a cross section of developers during the opening of a New Dev and Innovation Center in Calabar

Our move is strategic to the growth of the company and even other partner companies shaping up the Nugi Group, which in turn provides opportunities for engineering talent in the areas of Business & Productivity tools, Cloud Technology, AI, Gaming and VR, and DevOps.

The new hub will become a home to all of Nugitech's drive to service several clients across Nigeria and beyond. It  will be open to anyone who is driven by passion for technological growth in Calabar, Nigeria and Africa. It boasts of being equipped with 3 open work spaces, a training center, a creative & gaming corner, as well as offices for management staff.

Further, this strategic move is to enable us be closer to the talent pool in the southern part of Nigeria, away from noise/distractions of Lagos, giving our team an atmosphere  that supports research, innovation and development.

Our company is rapidly growing and we continue to seek out strategies that can help us give back to society, hence, this unique Dev Center is a gift back to the streets of Calabar where our careers began.

Nugi Technologies still maintains a sales, marketing, operational and top management office in Lagos.

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